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What is kundalini?
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What is a die-off and how do I deal with it?
A die-off is simply of the dying of the old to make way for the new, which can be quite uncomfortable - mentally, emotionally and physically. The Divine Mother that is Shakti, which kundalini energy comes from, is loosening up negatively charged energy in the system so that it can be flushed out and thus life-force energy can flow unobstructed. This is a biological process, a rewiring of our nervous system. An initiation of the acceleration of our spiritual evolution & metamorphosis, it is not the destination.
The worst thing you can do when experiencing a die-off is to resist it. Surrender is the best medicine. Some people find the word “agree with” easier to apply than “surrender to”.
Helpful mantras & prayers when dealing with a die-off
“I can sit with this”
“This is happening for my highest good”
“Thank you God/Source/Higher Self for showing me where healing is still needed”
“I forgive myself for feeling this way.”
“How beautiful it is that I can feel all of these emotions”
“Feeling is healing”
“My body is intelligent and I am healing”
“I will not resist this. I accept this.”
If you do experience a die-off, a common misconception is that you are “digressing” in your healing, but the opposite is true - we have to feel it to heal it. When strong emotions surface in session, the transmission of energy generally keeps the receiver in a non-dual state where they are able to process these emotions from a detached lens. Post-session, when not in the presence of this transmission, it may take more effort to stay grounded and remind yourself not to get caught in the story of it. Again, feeling is healing.​​
Why do some people experience involuntary body
movements in session?
Everyone’s reaction to the transmission will vary, and each session will be different. Somatic body movements are a result of trauma and negatively charged energy being released from the body. We tend to store stress in our bodies, whereas a duck, for instance, will shake its wings after being chased by a predator, releasing this energy, and then it carries on without making the event into a story that it identifies with.
Is Kundalini Activation Light Integration the same
as Shaktipot?
No, this is not Shaktipot and may be better to describe as Pranapot with strong Shakti/Divine Mother present. Shaktipot takes a very skilled master who has obtained a high level of self-realization / enlightenment / self-mastery and transmits their level of consciousness to the student. They are often able to directly release the coiled kundalini energy from the muladhara of the student via their intent/transmission. Kundalini Activation Light Integration is also a transmission of the facilitator's own awakened kundalini, who has done a tremendous amount of healing work on themselves to raise kundalini to the heart chakra or higher and operates from heart-based/unity consciousness. They are then able to draw in even more kundalini energy from the Divine Mother and direct the energy with their intent and will. The transmission of energy is gentle, not forceful (yet potent), and unwinds the distortions in the client's aura and purifies the information stored in the chakras. The more the client attends sessions in an open/surrendered state, the clearer their channel becomes and this unraveling of mental and emotional distortions creates the environment for a true kundalini awakening to become more likely. The transmission carries the seed of spiritual evolution, kundalini-shakti & prana-shakti, and if the client is in resonance to it, an inner activation will begin to occur creating pranic activity which primes the mind and body. If the client is karmically ripe or has been consistently doing spiritual healing work on themselves, a true kundalini awakening of the clients own dormant kundalini is very possible after just one session. However, an awakening of this powerful energy should never be rushed and is to be approached with great love and care.
Even if the student never experiences a full-blown kundalini awakening from sessions, no effort is wasted since the quality of their state of consciousness will be improved. The purpose of this modality is to bring deep inner healing and revelations, whether or not that means a kundalini awakening takes place is not up to the facilitator or even up to the student/receiver.
Ultimately, it is only Ma/The Divine Mother/Shakti who decides who’s kundalini energy is ready to be awakened. If the person is not ripe for the experience, it simply cannot be forced, no matter how great the master/teacher/facilitator. Once kundalini is awakened, your life is forever changed in ways you cannot possibly imagine, and it cannot be undone.
Is this modality safe? How is it different from a
spontaneous kundalini awakening?
The word “safe” means different things for different people. Will this modality physically harm you? No. Will there be challenging moments when integrating this extremely high frequency? Potentially. If you do have a full-blown kundalini awakening, will your life change in ways you didn’t expect? Probably. I am not aware of any known accounts of the thousands of clients exposed to this modality (KALI / KAP) creating a full blown kundalini awakening that was too difficult for the student/client/receiver to manage or causing a crisis situation. I am, however, aware of countless times of spontaneous kundalini awakenings (unexpected and unassisted) that have caused havoc on one's nervous system and were extremely difficult to navigate. I am one of those people and it is the reason I feel tremendous responsibility in working with this energy. An unmanageable awakening process can happen because the system was not primed (with spiritual practices, healthy lifestyle, or assisted activations / transmissions) and oftentimes the person experiencing a spontaneous kundalini awakening has no idea what is happening to them and thinks they are going crazy. Kundalini Activation Light Integration primes the system with super charged pranic energy that clears blocks and carries the seed for spiritual evolution, making a true kundalini awakening a more gentle and subtle experience.
How do I prepare for a session?
Fasting or only eating raw fruits and vegetables is recommended the 10 hours leading up to the session and water fasting 2-3 hours before the session. It is not a deal breaker if you do not follow this protocol, but the session will not be as effective since digesting food takes an incredible amount of life-force energy. Note that some people do get slightly nauseous in session, which is another reason we recommend to come on an empty stomach.
Can I work with kundalini energy on my own or do I need
a facilitator?
Kundalini transmissions can be considered a gift, an offering of divine cosmic energy, giving the student a glimpse of what is possible for them if they are to put in the work. The non-dual state of consciousness is more readily available while in the field of transmission which detaches the student from the limiting self identity they have constructed for themselves through their conditioning. Being steeped in the field of this transmission can produce spectacular phenomena (kundalini stirring) without an actual release of this energy at the base of the spine.
You certainly do not need a facilitator to stimulate this reservoir of energy. It spontaneously awakened in me due to my deep and sincere desire to be of service to others and a moment of single mindedness, even though I had no idea what kundalini energy was at the time.
Here are a few ways to prime your mind & body for a kundalini awakening / stimulate this energy:
- Kundalini yoga
- Meditation
- Self inquiry practices / paying attention to the lesson offered in
each life catalyst
-Being of service to others
- Practicing forgiveness of self and other-selves
- Devotion to Source/God/Intelligent Infinity/Love
- Eating foods high in life-force energy, touching the earth frequently, direct sunlight, clean drinking water
These days, Google and YouTube offer endless resources for how to work with this energy as it becomes more and more common in the west.
How is KALI different from Reiki healing?
Reiki uses prana or Qi (Chi) which is a healing energy that keeps us all alive. The more prana flowing in our system, the healthier we are. Kundalini Activation modalities use prana-shakti + kundalini-shakti energy, and this carries the seed for spiritual intelligence and evolution. Most Reiki practitioners are just using Qi, making Reiki a healing modality, while Kundalini Activation is a spiritual modality since its purpose is spiritual evolution in consciousness.
How do I know if this modality is right for me?
Who is this modality not a good fit for?
If you are already undergoing a kundalini awakening, this modality can be extremely beneficial for streamlining the process. If you are feeling called to this work because you are feeling fully willing and ready to face your shadows and dive wholeheartedly into your healing journey, this modality is a great fit. If you are really struggling with your state of being and looking for relief, this is also a great fit as long as you have the awareness that this is not going to solve your problems in an instant. This modality is not for someone looking for a quick fix to their problems. However I will say, I have witnessed countless miraculous healings in the first session that impacted the student on such a deep level that their life was significantly changed. This is due to a profound shift in mindset that occurred in session in which the student was very open, vulnerable, devoted and surrendered. If you are only interested in healing but not necessarily interested in the spiritual potential of this work, you may get more than you bargained for.
This modality is not suitable for those prone to mania, psychosis, or delusions.
How does this modality work virtually?
The limitations of time and space do not affect the spiritual non-physical dimension. Energy can be directed with one’s will and attention. This is why you may be spontaneously thinking about someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time, and then they call a few moments later. We are all connected as One and are not separated by space/time.
Will this modality help heal a physical alignment?
Receivers of this transmission do often report less pain and more vitality after sessions. However, that is not the direct purpose for this work. This is a spiritual modality, and the purpose is to heal on all levels, ascending to higher states of consciousness. Physical alignments are a reflection of our beliefs and misperceptions of ourselves. When we do not successfully process incoming catalysts through our feelings, it will filter through to the body. It is like the Universe is giving us a dire wake up call, “Hey, you have been ignoring this.” Now this thing of which you have not wanted to face will manifest as a physical distortion, to hopefully finally get your attention. When we heal these distortions, we are physically healthier and carry less pain.
It is always recommended that you seek professional medical help if you are experiencing physical alignments, pain, or discomfort.
Who are your teachers?​​
I was certified as a Kundalini Activation Light Integration (KALI) facilitator by Minh Clare in San Diego and continued my training with Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) facilitator and Kundalini Mentor, Alexandra Michelle. I am a current student and graduate of Aaron Abke’s 4D University (school for raising and integrating kundalini energy).